
Rabbi Robby Charnoff

Rav Charnoff graduated summa cum laude from Yeshiva University with a BA in psychology and received semicha from YU’s RIETS rabbinic program. He obtained a Master’s Degree from the Azrieli School of Jewish Education and completed YU’s Certificate Program in Experiential Jewish Education. Before moving to Israel, he served for six years as the first ever OU-JLIC Rabbi at Queens College where he established vibrant Orthodox life on campus, engaging over 500 students and alumni each semester along with his team. Since moving to Israel with his wife and three children in 2018, Rav Charnoff has been teaching at various Yeshivot and Seminaries, including Lev HaTorah and Tiferet. He is currently a Podcast Producer and Content Editor for the popular Torah website, Aleph Beta. You can find hundreds of Rav Charnoff's own audio shiurim featured on YUTorah.

Mrs Ayelet Elnacave

Mrs. Ayelet Elnecave received a B.A. in Jewish Studies from Vanderbilt University in 2005. She then taught English as a second language in Mexico for three years before making Aliyah in 2010. Her enthusiasm for Torah is contagious, and she currently teaches at Neve Yerushalayim, midreshet Tehilla and Baer Miriam

Mrs Hudi Elsant

Mrs. Hudi Elsant has been teaching in Seminaries for 20 years and lives in Jerusalem with her family.

Mrs Yael Gelernter

Mrs. Yael Gelernter has been passionately teaching Tanach for almost 2 decades in both high schools in America and Canada and now teaches in many seminaries in Eretz Yisrael. Mrs. G lives with her husband and 4 children in Ramat Bet Shemesh.

Mrs Esther Grossman

Mrs Esther Grossman originally from Elizabeth, NJ came to Ramat Beit Shemesh via Boca Raton, Florida. Since making Aliyah she has taught in various seminaries and is excited to be the Director of Midreshet Lev, a new seminary opening for the 5785 school year in Ramat Beit Shemesh.

Mrs Mindy Hilewitz

Originally from Manhattan, Mrs. Hilewitz attended Ramaz followed by a seminary year in Michlalah. She pursued a Bachelor's degree at Barnard College (taking a year "abroad" to attend Stern), and received Master's degrees from both Azrieli School of Jewish Education and Columbia Teachers College. She currently lives in Beitar with her family. Mrs. Hilewitz's broad background allows her to relate to a wide range of students and she has been teaching in varied American seminaries for over 20 years. Mrs. Hilewitz is a passionate and vibrant teacher, bringing segments of Torah alive with concrete practical applications. She is inspired to join her students on their growth journey in seminary and beyond!

Mrs Eli Horwitz

Mrs. Eli Horwitz was born and raised in IFRAH London, England, before relocating to Eretz Yisroel upon her marriage. Her love of learning Torah and its practical implementation, is what drove her to refuse to leave the classroom albeit on the other side of the desk. She teaches in a variety of Seminaries on a range of topics that always fire up her passion and excitement for Judaism and uses her youthfulness to engage and connect with her students, learning as much from them as she hopes they do from her.

Rabbi Jeremy Kagan

Rabbi Jeremy Kagan grew up in Hawaii and attended Yale University, where he received a B.A. in Philosophy. While traveling in Israel during college he began his Torah studies, going on to learn in Ohr Sameach, Meshech Chochma, and Heichal HaTorah B’Tzion. He regularly attended the shiurim of Rav Moshe Shapiro and eventually gained Semicha from Rav Zalman Nechemya Goldberg. His first book (Feldheim, 1998) The Jewish Self: Recovering Spirituality in the Modern World was much acclaimed. In 2011 his second book: The Choice to Be: A Jewish Path to Self and Spirituality (Feldheim, 2011) received the National Jewish Book Award for Modern Jewish Thought. His third book is in the process of being published: The Intellect and the Exodus: Authentic Faith in a Complex Age (Koren, 2018).

Rav Yehoshua Landau

Rav Yehoshua Landau is respected as a master teacher who brings creativity and clarity to the shiur room, insight and patience to personal discussions, and his trademark smile to everyone. He has made his mark among both students and staff as a warm, caring, and energetic Rebbe, available to his students at all hours. Rav Landau is a popular speaker to both men’s and women’s audiences, always looking to encourage, uplift and inspire.

Rabbi Yitzchak Lerner

Rabbi Yitzchak Lerner teaches Halachah and Jewish Thought. Rav Lerner is known for his high-energy teaching style, his fiery passion for Torah and mitzvot, his personal warmth as a mentor, and his outstanding shiurim in Hilchot Shabbat and Mussar. Whether in shiur or in personal conversations, Rav Lerner's transformative impact on his students remains with them for years to come. Rav Lerner lives in Betar with his family.

Rabbi Anthony Manning

Rabbi Anthony Manning teaches in many educational institutions in Jerusalem as well as lecturing widely in Israel, England and the US. Since 2017 he has been Co- Director of Midreshet Tehillah and with effect from August 2024 will become Rosh Midrasha of Midreshet Rachel v’Chaya. Rabbi Manning also gives a regular weekly shiur at the OU Israel Center in Jerusalem.

Mrs Elana Moskowitz

Mrs. Elana Moskowitz has been teaching in seminaries for close to 25 years. She currently teaches at MMY and is the Mechanechet of the Shana Bet program. She also is a regular contributor to Mishpacha magazine. She lives in Yerushalayim with her family

Mrs Bonnie Odze

Originally from London, Mrs Bonnie Odze has been teaching for over 20 years. Her engaging and personable style, together with her passion for Torah leaves her students thirsting for more.

Mrs Leba Schneider

Mrs. Leba Schneider has been teaching young women for over 25 years. She is one of the founding administrators at Tiferet Seminary in Ramat Beit Shemesh and a consistent guest speaker for adult education in Eretz Yisrael.

Rav Rafi Rosenblum

Rav Rafi has been teaching halacha and mussar/machshava in a number of Seminaries and Yeshivos over the past 11 years in Eretz Yisrael. He lives in Ramat Beit Shemesh with his wife and kids.

Mrs Dina Schoonmaker

Dina Schoonmaker has been teaching in Michlalah Jerusalem College for over 30 years. She founded The Women's Mussar Vaad, teaching topics of personal development in Ramat Bet Shemesh, Yerushalayim and remotely over zoom. She lectures in Israel, Europe and the United States but most enjoys being home with her family in Yerushalayim!

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